Sunday, October 27, 2019

Medicare For All M4A, an Unachievable Healthcare Utopia

 Here is a well written post better than I can write, that expresses my thoughts.

an Unachievable Healthcare Utopia.  The Fallacy of Medicare for all.

called Medicare for All (M4A), or universal health care.  Whatever the moniker, it would eliminate the current system of public and private insurance and replace it with one run by the government.  When they talk of these proposals, they show their economic ignorance not to mention that virtually every government welfare program has been an expensive bust.  Their ignorance is predicated on their belief that the government can provide a service better than the private sector.

  Think Post Office, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and other government run agencies.

There is no denying our current health insurance system is imperfect.  But a perfectly functioning M4A system is an idealized fantasy where everyone gets more for less.  That is not how the real world works.  The losers far outnumber the winners.  The winners would be state governments and those that currently pay for routine health care needs out-of-pocket.  The losers would be federal taxpayers forking over more money for fewer services, hospitals, doctors, nurses, and patients most in need of swift access to health care.

The socialists on the Democrat campaign trail, except a couple (maybe), have no understanding of economic realities.  Instead, they prefer to ignore these realities and stick their heads further up their butts and propose an unachievable healthcare Utopia.

 Takeaway for you:   

Share your thoughts with your friends.   Ask them, "Would they Perform more work for %75 of their present wages?"   No? Not an economic reality for themselves?  Then "Why would they BELIEVE that the government can tell the doctors and nurses and healthcare facilities to accept Medicare payments at %75 of cost, to provide health care for them?   How do they propose lowering healthcare costs?   Get them to think for themselves before pulling the lever for a Socialist Democrat promising them Free Health Care For All.

WE, TOO, CAN BE A FAILED LATIN AMERICAN STATE! Ann Coulter October 23, 2019 post

The left’s enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn’t only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It’s that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes.

You probably think it’s beyond silliness for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to keep promising FREE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL! NO PREMIUMS! NO CO-PAYS! ILLEGAL ALIENS, TOO! EVERYBODY GETS A PONY!

No one could be gullible enough to fall for that.

I refer you to the economic powerhouse that is Latin America. 

That’s great news for Sanders and Warren! But it’s terrible news for the country.

Denouncing “squalid oligarchs,” Hugo Chavez promised Venezuela’s poor: “I will not rest until every human being who lives in this land has housing, employment and some way to manage his life.”

The poor were sold! In December 1998, Chavez was elected in a landslide, commemorated with this Seattle Times headline: “VENEZUELAN SLUM DWELLERS VOTE FOR CHANGE.”

As The Miami Herald explained, Chavez “crystallized anger and frustration among Latin America's poor at free-market policies that have brought only limited prosperity.”

What did free markets and private property ever do for the poor? If they were poor, but others were rich, the “squalid oligarchs” must have stolen from them! (Elizabeth Warren should borrow that epithet. “Wealthy corporations” is getting old.)

Bernie says he “wrote the damn bill” to give Medicare to all, but he was plagiarizing Chavez, who immediately implemented a “single-payer” system for health care in Venezuela. He set up free health clinics, opened military hospitals to the poor, and deployed tens of thousands of government workers to deliver medical services to the barrios.  

Comments from Ann Coulters article October 27, 2019 post:
    Any Legacy American who votes for the Dims is voting for their own destruction.
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    No possible question the dem-global- socialist party wants to destroy the 300 yr old, Euro-American juggernaut that has raised more people out of poverty than any political action in the history of the world. And O God do they have the global funding !!!
    Democrats have shown that they will not learn/respect science, they will not learn economics and will not learn from history. They only value ideology, ends justifying means, and worship popular ideologues like lemmings over a cliff. A sure marker for marxism.
    I am not a religious person, but the democrats and their global billionaire handlers have demonstrated satan in action just like Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Pol Pot, Hitler and so many others.
    Don't forget socialism/marxism has killed 100,000,000 million human beings and counting.




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