Sunday, September 13, 2020

Clueless Voter selects Name with a 'D' behind it.

 Stupid Voters hate Trump as President

Comments following TownHall Web post, "So Much Stupid"


Agree that it is fascinating to try to figure out why so many people in this country so hate the President. I don't think 90% have any actual clue as to why they hate him so much. They have been told they are supposed to hate him so like sheep they hate him. They repeat over and over the reasons the Democrat propagandist in the media tell them. What are they so afraid of? Why is their hatred so irrational? What has President Trump done over the last four years that has harmed anyone in this country, except possibly the globalist business interests? Why are some so afraid of putting the interests of your country above that of other countries? The media morons tell them this is what Hitler did and they swallow it whole and he becomes a DICTATOR! He tries to enforce our immigration laws and he is a RACIST! He says he ate three potato chips when he actually ate two and he is a LIAR! These Trump haters would be humorous if they weren't so pathetically dumb.

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    Unfortunately there are a LOT of good decent Americans that are not

    paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents always said that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly simply look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Waters, Booker and others have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embracing socialism. The media is perpetuating this deception. We MUST educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters before it is too late!

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      For a long time I have thought that characterization of the democrat party was wrong. Looking from their founding to today, democrats (as a party) have always been against our founding ideals of liberty and justice for all.

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      They are no longer the party of the people. They are EVIL and DANGEROUS. The "sheeple" will always fall in line because they have no thoughts of their own.

    • He has done things that most presidents of the past before Obama did routinely as part of their job. And he has done them superbly well. I get it that many don't like his TV shows or his brash, Las Vegas/NYC persona, but the level of hatred is demonic. I believe that it's because he is one of the very few pols who actually loves his country and acts to safeguard it, rather than hand it over to the global, one-world loons.


      You used the perfect word for these HATERS.

      • PATHETIC.

      • I would add DESPERATE, as well.
        I can rest at night, only because I KNOW that GOD is still in CHARGE of EVERYTHING.



        Feel free to comment below.   What do you think is driving 

        people (voters)  to select Democrats for office?  


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