Hispanic American citizens are turning out to vote Republican.
Joel invites you to vote for Republican candidates in place of following what you have done in
previous elections, i.e. voting for Democrat candidates. See Dr. Manny Alvarez video below.
I find it interesting to listen to a small business man ( a christmas tree farmer), paying his fair share of tazes to the IRS and losing his house to foreclosure in the down economy of 2009, because the IRS took money directly out from his bank account.
How did the IRS find him? Joel is a legal naturalized citizen and has a proper legal social security number. When you open a bank account, you have to provide a SSI number and current address to follow the proper legal banking regulations. Joel is dissatisfied that for ten years he paid taxes into the IRS for the government, but when he needed help, no one helped him during his economic difficulty. Yet, if he was an illegal alien, and unemployed, the Department of Health Services (DHS) would have been right there to help him. Seems so unfair. People that are lazy and choose NOT TO WORK, get help. Those that have worked long hours everyday for years, get NO HELP at ALL. Yet, Joel Leal, chooses to follow the law, be legal, and do the right action for this situation he finds himself working through. Yes, it hurts sometimes to select and follow through on the right, legal action. But each separate citizen obeying the law passed by our government in his community, makes life better for all of us together living in these wonderful United States of America. Let's choose good candidates for Public office with our vote Today!
Vote on November 2nd like your way of life and freedom depends on it... BECAUSE IT DOES!!!
A vote for ANY liberal, represent a vote for the destruction of Capitalism!! Just ask Obama and Soros!!!
Dr. Manny Alvarez - Proud Hispanic Republican Fires Back at Harry Reid on Fox News Interview! on YouTube. Manny says you can be a
thoughtful person and select to support the Republican Party. You should not be called stupied for, "Making an informed choice!"
Fred Finster 503 400-9106 Call me with your ideas and suggestions for this Blog Post. Or Please Post a comment below.
Hispanic American citizens are turning out to vote Republican.
Restaurant owner Juan invites you to the Taqueria 7 Estrellas Restaurant here on 87th St. and Center just Southwest of Dollar Store and JoAnn Fabrics west of Hall Blvd in Tigard Oregon.
Call 503 747-0864 for take out.
View Larger Map
Democrat candidates voted for Obama Health Care plan, which includes higer taxes, higher health care costs (not lower), more government regulation, and less friendly business environment, This means less job creation in small businesses! So literally, a vote for a Democrat Candidate, could result in 6 months as a vote that caused YOUR JOB to be eliminated in the business where you work, while the business works to stem costs. THINK ABOUT IT! YOUR VOTE COUNTS.
Vote for republican candidates on your ballot today and we will see change on November 2nd!
A referendum, not an election

Next Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010, is not Election Day. It is Referendum Day.
Articles, Videos, and websites about Hispanic Republicans.
Viva La Reagan Revolucion 'Our Principals ..' from somosrepublicans webmaster Alex political commentary. Our Core Principles are to support the Right to Life, Free Market Capitalism, Low Taxes, Small Government, Second Amendment, Traditional Marriage, and a Humane Immigration Reform that fits our Free Market economy and labor.
Republican National Hispanic Association. website
Local Dallas Texas Hispanic Republicans Voice Support for DREAM Act
Somos Republicans in Arizona Oct 14, 2010 ... The NYtimes framed this prediction as a sign of how dissatisfied Hispanics are with Republicans over immigration. On the other hand, ...
Hispanics Republicans of Texas website, please see their video encouraging Hispanics That introductory video from their website is uplifting., Hispanics constitute the largest single growing community in Texas and have a profound impact on this state. They contribute to our economy as job creators, they contribute to the armed forces through their patriotism and they contribute to our democracy with their vote and public service.
Great Article about Latinos and SB 1070 and Jan Brewer from this letter, We believe United States Hispanic citizens have a right to be safe in their person from illegal searches and seizures, and we believe Pearce’s efforts are violating that. SB 1070 is a direct slap in the face to Hispanic Americans who have fought and died for several American wars because this new law can be abused by authorities to pull us over with mere “reasonable suspicion”.
Texas versus California on Business friendly taxes.
Candidate Websites and OregonLive Voter Guide
OregonLive Guide to help you select your votes, can print out your selections or email to yourself. Very Helpful
Faith 2 Action voter guide
Faith 2 Action OREGON voter guide
Chris Dudley for Governor Campaign website
Rob Cornilles for US Representative 1st District
Gordon Fiddes 4 Congress Oregon House District 35
Gordon Fiddes Facebook
Sample Ballot for Tualation Oreogn
J M Browning of Axe Men History Channel Show, letter to President Obama.
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Labels: Chris Dudley, Hispanics vote Republican, Rob Cornilles
Si votan para los republicanos y no votan para los democrátas en esta campaña...estan aciendo una buena decisión para nuestro país. Votan para democrátas es volver elegir una mala administración. Si votamos por los repulicanos, ellos prometen esperanza y un buen futuro para nuestro pais. Apoyemos! Less Taxes. Less government regulation. And More Jobs!
Hello Fred!
I found this link in my old email and remeberd I was sending the video link on my phone and my dad told me to check this out like a while back. I think my dad did a good job in the video. Thank you for being supportive to my dad:)
God bless you and your family.
Joel's daughter,
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