Voter's feelings hurt or just bad taste?
ricocat1 quote:
To vote for Dementia Joe because you somehow don't like President Trump
is like eating a dog turd because you don't like broccoli.
TRUMP 2020!
Comments from post
Other comments:
LIEberal democRats are sociopaths and psychopaths, both mental illnesses! They have no Empathy, no Conscience, no Morals, no Ethics, no Compassion (except their usual bullSchiff “FAKE” Compassion) and their God is power, control, money, and deceit. With their ‘egomania’ they won’t be happy till they Rule The World!
- That's my mom - she will hold her nose and vote for either sleepy joe or an independent - she hates Trump that much! Geez!
- I agree, except that leftists have proven that they have no conscience or shame.
- When "feelings" are involved, there is no "thinking."
- I have done something similar a few times. I have asked
"Do you think Biden is mentally fit for the job? This question is not about Trump."
So far none of them have been able to answer without mentioning Trump. They can't help themselves. TDS is a severe brain affliction.
Unfortunately there are a LOT of good decent Americans that are not paying close attention to what's been happening, or get their information only from the major media outlets. When I was a young man (eons ago!) my parents always said that Democrats were the party of the working people and Republicans represented the rich elite. Far too many have failed to notice how roles have shifted. They blindly simply look for the little D after the name. People do not realize how the Clintons, Pelosi, Waters, Booker and others have hijacked a once noble organization and swung to so far left and embracing socialism. The media is perpetuating this deception. We MUST educate and enlighten these good AMERICAN voters before it is too late!I’ve received and forwarded that meme, and begun using it in person.
Nobody’s been able to do it yet.
Nope. None of those I've asked can explain why they're supporting Biden without mentioning Trump. For most of them, they can't get past Trump. Trump's in their heads and they can't get him out. It's fun to watch in a somewhat sick, sordid way. I can't believe the man crush they have on Trump... it's seemingly a "LOVE/HATE" relationship. They love to hate on TRUMP so much that it's pathetically obscene. Trump's got them right where he wants them. He owns their minds, their emotions, their actions... pathetic to watch, but sordidly fun.
KAG2020! TRUMP2020!
- Totally agree.
Also, republican hatred for democrats is what makes us vote for RINOs.
Sure do wish more republicans would face primary challengers so that we could vote FOR someone instead of AGAINST a democrat.Joe Biden’s evil wife keeps letting him embarrass himself in public,
but then he wasn’t the greatest guy before becoming a medicated, senile shell of a human being
that is currently running for president !
It's becoming more difficult for Biden to keep up these days. !
When Grandpa Gropes isn’t pathetically slurring his way through yet
another teleprompter fail, his handlers have him on a short leash and are yanking him
out of the spotlight well before lunchtime on a lot of days !
But, hey, this is the guy the Democrats have foisted on America as presidential timber,
who is supposed to become president and restore a sense of ''"normalcy"" to America !
Ever day, the charade becomes more difficult to watch, as it’s looking more and more,
that the only thing that Biden can return to..... is bed ! Very early ...every day !
Face it folks, when they let the optics look this bad, it’s because the alternative optics would look even worse !- I have neighbors who are all-in for Biden but when asked why I just get a variation of “Orange Man Bad.”
- Totally agree.
- That's because with the left it's all about thinking with their feelings.
- got that right, all feelings no brains.
- They are voting for Bident to keep the power in the hands of Democrat's. They want it all the House and Congress and the Deep State pulling the strings.
- Hate is in a democrat's DNA.
- True. Leftists/Democrats have a "hive" mentality. If you are not of the hive, you are their enemy. Leftists/Democrats live on hatred and malfeasance. No thought is involved in this, only rage and hatred. Socially-accepted group hate is toxic, but intoxicating. This gives them their sense of belonging.
- You forgot threats and violence.
- Again, True. The Democrat Mob often and consistently advocates and encourages violence against any and all conservatives. Mob tactics. They endorse ANTIFA, BLM, OWS, MS13 and any & all hate groups they can find.
Journo: "What's your answer to questions of your son receiving $3.5 million from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow Russia ?"
Biden: " I mean... Come On"
Look around you. Not only are they hateful, but stupid too.Well, yes, their hate is off the scale. Four years and running now.The Democrat party is the party of assault & battery, harassment, violent confrontation. The Democrat party is a vicious party of lying, deceit, violence and vulgarity.
They have many disciples - Arm-up. You will be given no choice.There are unfortunately a lot of themEvery time I see a yard sign for Biden (which I'll admit is not often) I just shake my head.- Make a note of the house. A little soft intel now will go a long way when the civil war goes full throttle.
That is what BLM and ANTIFA are doing to houses with Trump signs.
Bet the farm.
Can't recall any example of Dem's having brains, most certainly not in recent history.
One correction. Voting for Joe is voting for Kamala to be president. Everyone including the Dem's know Slo Joe is incapable of doing the job.
so once again, it was all PROTECTIONISM! The DEMONics at it again. They never see any opportunity where choosing Evil is not their best course of action. Vile and disgusting LEFTists, but then there is no other kind!
It isn’t Biden these fools are voting for. It’s Kamala Harris and your hate for yourself and country must be off the scale to allow that woman anywhere near the White House.
And it is in at least 40% of the nation. The rest of them are just apolitical people who will vote like they always do, D. They do not pay attention and don't even know what has been going on.
I suppose there are R voters like that as well. Hopefully enough people have been awakened to who the D party is and have walked away.
Sadly, in too many twisted little TDS minds, it is off the scale.
Where are the impeachment trolls? Trump had some conversation with a Ukrainian ambassador and the world was ending.
Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from a Russian who was involved in HUMAN TRAFFICKING!
How does one do that if your Dad isn't VP of the US??? Why would any Russian give Hunter money unless there was a quid pro quo of something? Hunter Biden is a LOSER, what value does he give anyone that is worth $3.5 million???
Technically, he received 3.5 million, cash, from a front woman for Putin with no possible legitimate reason. He then spent a large amount of that money with a Russian group that traffics s*x s l a v e s, his Putin money was spent of not just H**KERS, but trafficked s l a v e s.
How many of those took up residents on pedophile island?
- Hunter has "binders of women"
Well, Hunter is a bit more than just a 'LOSER' - he was a Naval Officer who received a dishonorable discharge for "pizzing hot" on a drug test. The discharge was then upgraded to an "other than honorable" because of course.
So I'd say "SCUMBAG" would be more accurate.
Interesting thought I heard yesterday... It's pretty common for people with dementia to experience significant declines late in the day, called the 'sundowner effect'. The debate starts at 9pm. The biden puppet masters may be calling these lids so joe can get in some naps in an attempt to shift his body's clock so that his mind doesn't go full-on jello in the middle of the debate.
Another problem with Dementia is that lies become "reality". Once someone enters this fantasy world, the rest of the day is just an exercise of picking up the pieces and starting over the next day. You can see that in Joe. He is a basket case already.
Joe has a history of confabulating along with his other
"quirks."He was doing that 47 years ago.
Biden's tall tales? ... or batshiit crazy word salads?
HealthLine: "Confabulation is a symptom of various memory disorders in which made-up stories fill in any gaps in memory."
Confabulation is a strong sign of dementia. The teller of tall tales truly believes them ... according to my dad's neurologist.
Full on Jello would be an improvement from the rotten oatmeal his brain has been for the past 20 years.
How can we have Joe Biden serving this country as President?
He also needs to rest up, and cycle off the drugs they use to help his acuity, those drugs only provide profound results briefly, and are no good if they keep pumping them into him. So he needs plenty of rest, and can't be allowed out in public for several days.
Poor Joe! Don’t you know than when he had his plugs installed he showered too soon after the installation, water leaked in through his hair-holes and rusted his brain?
I remember when my mother started doing this in her late 80's. And my neighbor, who is now in an elder care facility, did the same thing.
Debate prep = Reviewing the questions with Chris Wallace and preloading the answers into the teleprompter.
He needs to be checked for an earpiece before going on stage.
Oh... he’ll have an earpiece.
But don’t worry, it’s just a “hearing aid” for a very recent diagnosis of hearing loss. He’ll even have a note from his “doctor” to prove it. the debate....with an earpiece...”What was the question, Mike? Oh, Chris! Right, come on, man. Oh, about Hunter. What? Sorry, voices in my head. Oh, Jill says talk about Beau’s death. what!? Beau’s dead? Oh, well, my time’s up.”
President Trump, do you care to respond.
Yes, Chris. This is cruel. Sad actually. Let’s end this early. Alright? Good night, everyone.The Trump folks need to set up a jamming device.
Don't jam it. Record and decrypt over the next week and then play it the night before the next debate.
1000 up votes, electronic jamming should be in use for the debate.
There are problems with an earpiece.
1. Joe will keep fiddling with it, asking “Is this thing in right? I can’t hear the answers!”
2. There will be the problem with an echo as the answers bounce around in Joe cranium. His remaining brain cells are practicing social distancing.
3. There is the possibility it will fall out.
4. There is a more likely possibility that it will fall IN... causing a rattling sound.
Joe ate his last ear piece; he thought it was a peanut.
I agree with Sleepy Joe, let's look at the Trump kids. So far, they've been forwarding American values and interests, and I don't believe any of them are sitting on boards for which they are not qualified. They, in their own rights, have started very successful businesses of their own and are a shining tribute to their father.
Hunter, on the other hand...!
(Always remember that children learn their values from their parents...!)
And let's scrutinize his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who just helped negotiate two major Middle East peace deals.
Exactly! Those kids are so terrible...
...I say give them a second term too...!
or as much carp as Trump had to put up with, I say we declare his first term 'Null and Void' and give him another 8 years.
Oh how I wish...!
Whether or not one likes Gutfeld, the lines were perfect -
"This ain't the Steele dossier. It's the real dossier.""We've got Russians, sex trafficking, money...this is the dossier you wanted all along, it's just the wrong guy."
Meanwhile, PedoJoe claiming this is media harassment?
The name “Steele Dossier” was an inside joke for the Leftocrats, as they were trying to “steal” the election.
You can't make this stuff up. The democrats are just VASTLY superior at creative writing and storytelling than our conservatives.
The dem narrative is as if Tom Clancy, and Stephen King, and PeeWee Herman all wrote a book together!
In honesty, Proggies aren't really better - they're just the Establishment, and so provide cover to each other. Only historians used to ferret out the dishonesty, and there's probably not enough of nonpartisan historians now to even manage that.
hould deliberate plans be considered ironic? Or would "hypocritical" be more apropos? (not sarcasm)
Progressive plotting (Commies, fascists, & the like) generally involves trying to tear down authority with the secret objective of seizing the power which the authority controls without having to earn it within "the System" (usually being the current electoral process).
Excellent points.
People are either voting for President Trump's policies and performance or against President Trump's personality. Biden is the candidate for the TDS Party.
Funny, the Prez is running an ENTIRE country, doing 2-3 campaign stops per day, and somehow he is finding time to prep for the debate. That comparison alone shows how low energy this man is. As president, what, would he knock off at 10am to prep for a speech while the Middle East caught fire and China was aiming nuclear missiles at us?
Forget the 3 AM call...
...What about the call during Biden's noon nap.
here's a theory. The DNC wanted a far-left candidate. But they probably knew that their base wouldn't go for somebody that's far left so they pick Joe, you know Joe he's everybody's friend they love Joe. So keeping up with the far-left policies of the DNC they pick camela Harris who they knew would be running things because Joe can't and they're thinking everybody else is stupid enough to know that Joe is still fine he's okay. and when this is all over and heaven forbid Kamala Harris becomes president all you leftist out there, you're all going to get thrown away because that's what they do they'll throw you away they use you abuse you and throw you away
I would say that it is closer to being a fact than a mere theory. The insanity of the left knows no bounds, and their inherent blindness is like a timebomb ready to explode. They really are only robots.
Joe used to be a friendly, lovable kind of guy. Even though you knew he was BS-ing you...he was still kind of fun to be around. Now that he has gone full dementia he has become combative. If you question him in any way that confuses him or contradicts him he becomes a bit violent...poking people in the chest, punching them on the shoulder, grabbing their lapels and yelling in their faces, and offering to beat them up somewhere. His once-friendly BS machine is malfunctioning and has gone from mere lying and fabrication to meaningless word salad. When called on to explain the salad...then he reverts to the combative behavior. By the end of the day, when contradicted...or even asked a question he has not been prepped for...he just stares and blinks, looking confused.
Lately, however, that last scenario is happening earlier and earlier in the day. He also seems somewhat out of breath...even at the beginning of his Q&A sessions. Maybe he is worried that he won’t be able to perform and read the answers well enough.
Open up Joe's head; all you'll find is cobwebs, dust and rat droppings.
Typical of Dementia, it becomes difficult to remember, think clearly, make decisions, or control emotions, often out of frustration.
When my beloved aunt and uncle shared a room in the nursing facility. But they had to move Auntie Alice to a different floor when she became suspicious, combative, and tried to clobber poor Uncle with a lamp.
'In October Ukrainian Parliamentarian Andrey (Andriy) Derkach revealed in a press conference that Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for lobbying efforts from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine."
I hope Joe reported that on his taxes ... and paid his fair share
I hope Biden's debate preppers explain the difference between two million and two hundred thousand to him.
'So I told them, fire the guy investigating my son's company or you're not getting the $1BILLION dollars, you got 6 hours. Well SOB, they fired the guy"....HOW IN THE HELL IS THAT NOT QUID-PRO-QUO, JOE?
Biden is an influence peddler and a self-confessed extortionist. He is corrupt by his own admission. I believe him. Joe Biden bragged about his extortion - why would anyone NOT believe him?
President Trump is right:
Joe Biden: Investigate, prosecute, prison.
Hunter Biden: Investigate, prosecute, prison.Surely Adam Schiff is fired up about Hunter Bidens Russian collusion! 💥😯✨
How much did schiff get to keep his beak shut?
This is one of numerous reasons why my blood is boiling as the Durham investigation continues waddling along - over two years now - with ONE plea deal to show for it, all concerned they want to make sure “it’s not political”...
NOT indicting is interfering in the election.
In an effort to appear non-political, the DOJ is providing LTG Flynn's attorney, the great Sidney Powell, with numerous "Brady" documents which provide clear evidence of the corruption of the Obama administration. It think these releases are intended to prepare the LIVs for the eventual bombshell indictments.
Durham is part of the Deep State, and the Deep State protects its own.
The media doesn’t have time for the Hunter story. They were all told to go out and see if they’ve missed something on Don, Jr. or Eric. Or Jared. Or Ivanka. Or Barron.
Don't worry, there's still time for the MSM to find (make things up) scandals with Trump's kids. Why not? They did it with their father...!
Let's see...
How many campaign rallies (similar to the Trump rallies) has Joementia held since he was nominated in August?
Answer: ZERO.
" Less than 45 days from Election Day, with a Supreme Court fight about to break out on the Hill—and Joe is too tired to…campaign."
Hmmmm. Hillary was too tired (or something) to campaign in Wisconsin ... and she lost it to Trump.
Quite right, Joe. You just rest and relax. Leave Trump to do the heavy work.
(wicked grin)
He is doing debate prep. ROTFL. His debate prep team have a list of topics and an index card of talking points for each one. They are trying to get Joe to memorize all the answers. They must have someone playing Trump so Joe can practice fact checking the President. But Joe will not be ready for Trump. Joe will probably do OK for the first 30-45 minutes. It is the last 30 minutes that Joe will be tired and forget his canned answers. It is when he says stupid racial stuff or blurts out policy that he remembers from the 1980s or 90s.
Joe looks like a deer in the headlights in his rare appearances where he makes a limited statement and takes no questions. He uses a teleprompter for ‘candid’ interviews. Unless he has been really sandbagging everyone, he is not going to do well center stage, bright lights, limited audience for 90 minutes. That said, because the bar will be set so low for Joe, President Trump will need to stay on topic, look and act presidential. He has a great record to run on and doesn’t need to attack the media or go about name calling the Dems. Try to stick to what he has accomplished and what they have obstructed And he will be fine. If it is clear that Joe is decompensating, let him, and wait til after the debate to point it out.
Joe is gonna have a hard time washing the stink off but really, it makes little difference. He'll get the votes because - party line voters and hatred of Trump. Not voting for Joe but voting against Trump.
Dems couldn't put up a real candidate and now they are left holding the bag.All the other candidates were not electable in the general because 1) too leftist, 2) too crazy, 3) no personality etc, (except Tulsi, too rational). Trojan horse Joe was the only one they thought they could slip by the electorate while being malleable to all the leftist causes. Too bad for them that the “that’s just Joe being Joe” flubs early on were really the early signs of the rapidly progressing mental deterioration. Now they are stuck with him, too bad, so sad.
And then comes Harris ...
How dare you use Heckel and Jeckel don't you know they are RACIST birds JUST KIDDING my friend they had to be the funniest bird's ever I miss them.. And man O man What about Fog Horn leg Horn holey Schist how bad was he
If I were honest I'd tell you that my selection was made intentionally to annoy certain folks. Unfortunately its just the more "seasoned" members of the crowd that even recognize the two birds and being seasoned and all, we don't get hysterical.
The Democrat way: Pander to any and all perceived and/or invented grievances they can discover or create. They are a party that relies on hate, envy, greed and grievance politics.
The only way the Democrats gain a vote is to promise ever more loot, and to punish conservatives for any perceived grievance imagined by their minions. The Democrat party is sustained only by hatred and maleficence.
One simple rule to follow: If the Dem accuse their political opponents of something, their opponents are innocent of the evil, corrupt, or illegal activity, and the Dems are doing EXACTLY what they accuse their opponents of doing.
The Dems accused the Trump campaign of colluding with Russians to influence the 2016 election, while, in fact, the Dems and the Clinton campaign was colluding with the Russians.
The Dems accuse the Trump administration of being the most corrupt administration in history, while, in fact, the Dems and the Obama administration are guilty of the most egregious, corrupt, political activity: weaponizing the US IC against a political opponent.
The Dems accuse the Trump administration of politicizing the DOJ, while, in fact, the Obama administration politicized the DOJ to go after POTUS Trump.
The Dems accuse POTUS Trump of threatening "democracy" over potential voter fraud, while, in fact, virtually every instance of voter fraud, which actually threatens "democracy", are committed by Dems.
The Dems accuse POTUS Trump of refusing to accept the results of elections, while, in fact, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Dems still haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election. Ms. Clinton has gone so far as tell "Slow Joe" Biden not to accept the results of the 2020 election.
The Dems accuse POTUS Trump and everyone on the right of being racist, while, in fact, it was the Democrat Party that founded the KKK, that supported segregation, that filibustered the Civil Rights Act, and that have a candidate for POTUS that has made numerous racist comments.
The Dems accuse POTUS Trump of fanning the flames of "racial inequity", while, in fact, it is the Dems that are supporting the riots, that refuse to condemn the looting, riots, arson, and assaults against the police and innocent civilians. Their accusing POTUS Trump of fanning the flames of "racial inequity" is, in fact, "fanning the flames".
I could go on, and on, and on, but you get the picture. Dems are lying hypocrites.
Idiot troll John Jacon shared a link to an organization that supposedly is turning over every rock in DC to find corruption siting an article showing something Trump had done to prove his corruption.
The organization, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, had about two dozen articles on its site listing corruption, every single one about Trump. With all that's been going on in the DC swamp, the only corrupt official they could find is the president.
Their executive director is a tell of their bias. Noah Bookbinder is a lawyer who worked for Eric Holder's Department of Social Justice...
Joe is gonna pretend to get mad. He's done this all his life. He thinks people will back down if he comes across all tough and s**t.
For democrats this election isn't about Biden, It's about putting Kamala in the oval office.
here are absolutely no main stream news shows that qualify as journalistic endeavors...Fox News does not qualify any longer! Newsmax is just about it these days. The rest are laughable.
One America News Network is good, too, but too small. Aren't there any conservatives interested in investing in a honest news network? Build one!
Conservative Treehouse is top-notch on the investigative front.
I'm a little younger than Joe Biden, I wasn't born until 1948. So I didn't see much combat at all in WWII.
But Biden was 2 years old at the war's end and saw a lot of action! You should hear the stories he can tell, absolutely incredible! The man is a hero. He was in and out of certain-death situations so much, it's a wonder he survived! He doesn't like to talk about it, he always starts a war story - one of his favorites is about the famous German general "Corn Pop", with whom he had hand-to-hand combat - but then he humbly cuts himself off, saying there's not enough time to tell all the details.
And for the people who say he's a lying dog-faced pony soldier and is just making stuff like this up - well, just the fact that he's alive today shows that he DID survive WWII. If people aren't convinced by that alone, there's no hope for them, that they'll ever vote for this man, who is a hero by his own humble admissions!
I think Joe's mental acuity problems stem from an RPG round to his head during the Battle of the Five Armies.
What do they say Joe takes a nap at noon Well that makes him a NOON-COME-POOP!!!
Seriously -- why would all of this new MOUNTAIN of bad news regarding Hunter make Ol' Gropin' Joe want to call it a day at 10AM? It's not like even ONE reporter would ask him about it. NOT. ONE.
There are 2 legal systems, one for liberals, and another for conservatives. Liberals are NEVER punished. Liberals are NEVER held accountable. This is how democracy dies.
Because Gropin Joe trusts his son.
The one who got kicked out of the navy for being a choke head.
The one who knocked up a stripper and then denied paternity.
The one who banged his dead brother’s wife.
The one who flew with pops on AF2 to china and came back with $1.5 billion.
The one who left a crack pipe in a rental car.
The one who is now married to a woman after meeting her a few weeks before getting married.Great judgment for a man who is running for potus.
Are we going to hold the debates at 8:30AM EST so we can get it in before the lid?
Poor old Cretin Joe, long recognized as the dumbest man in the entire House and Senate, an embarrassment even to his own Democrat colleagues. Joe was picked as a throw-away candidate by the likes of Schumer and Pelosi who believed they had no chance of beating the Donald and used poor old Joe as the sacrificial lamb. Now Joe, pathetically drooling and soiling himself, may well be replaced by Hillary the Hideous Harridan who'll ride to the rescue of the Democrat Party in a desperate bid to save the day and what's left of the party.
Exactly 100% correct! The REAL candidate is laying low, conserving her strength and avoiding the media. Very soon Joe will go into full on, bat soup dementia. The Dems will fall into total chaos but will coalesce around the One, the Savior, She who must be obeyed. The Dems will come together in a euphoric frenzy not seen since the 2008 election. I think we all know who the Dems will chose, the "Killer Whale" of American politics, the "Behemoth of the ballot box", the "Phoenix of the Potomac", the "Colossus of Chappaqua", The "Destroyer of the Deplorables", Hilllllllary RodHammm Clinnnnnnton! No one can withstand her awesome refulgence and galactic personal charisma!
#C LI N T ON 2020! [sarc/off]
Biden cannot debate Trump, because Trump will ignore the "moderator" and go after Biden directly.......
Trump will tell Biden, to his face, that he is mentally unfit for office......
Joe Biden the Trojan Horse as per AOC
AOC Admits That Biden Is Nothing More than a Trojan Horse
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez let the cat out of the bag when she recently talked about Biden. She confirmed what many of us already knew. Biden is a figurehead…a Trojan horse. He looks good on the ballots because he has the political experience. He served alongside Obama. He’s easier to get into the White House than some of the more radical choices that are out there.“We can continue to push Vice President Biden on issues from marijuana to climate change to foreign policy.” She goes on to talk about how it’s important that they continue to fight for a progressive agenda.
Essentially, AOC believes that Biden is a pawn that they can just push in the direction they want him. He’s not capable of making any strong decisions for himself. As such, he’s just a placeholder for the presidency until they can get someone even better into that position.
She has also called Biden a good “transition figure.” Other advisers on Capitol Hill have said that Biden is already looking at a running mate that he can turn things over to after four years.” That would be Harris – and if the Dems get their way, it will be a lot sooner than four years.
Biden debate prep:
Ok, one more time;
“I am Joe uhh Biden.”Ok, this time without the uhh.
“ I am Joe Bbbbiden uhh.”Ok, let’s knock off for today.
“Pheww, that was a tough session!” 😳I still can't believe that the DNC coronated this guy as their nominee. He was far and away the worst one of the bunch of primary candidates to pick. The 30 something gay mayor, the wacky new age lady from California, the shrill phony Indian, the spittering unkempt marxist - ANY of them would have been better candidates. Heck, Tulsi Gabbard would be walking away with this election. It would be very, very difficult for the Trump campaign to effectively attack her. But no. They throw in behind Biden.
I swear the powers that be behind the DNC must be the biggest morons and fools in the history of human affairs.they had no choice - Sanders was a guaranteed loss - so the DNC screwed him, and gave us Biden (b/c his connection to Obama, who it turns out did not like him either)
True, they have NOBODY! Period!
That may be a toss up. After all the rnc foisted upon us romney and mccain.
People used to proclaim proudly, (although falsely I suspect), 'I vote for the man, not for the party'. Now the Democrats are blatantly telling them to vote for the party, not for the man.
What has always happened with the blacks on the D plantation.
Joe Biden is in his basement memorizing gotcha one-liners in order to somehow diminish and thumb his nose at the President. I have known for decades that democrats cannot win without cheating. Then, once they're in power, the election fraud is normalized, and they never lose another election. This is what we are faced with. If they win the White House, it will be many generations before a republican ever wins again. That is, if we still have a constitution that has an election of a president. That's it.
And the next Republican that wins after Trump. Will be a Democrat in disguise. Just like Bush was.
Look at what Mitt Romney turned into.I am disgusted.
A guy who’s exhausted by 10 am isn’t qualified to be a greeter at Walmart, let alone president of the United States.
Sundowner Joe is most likely preparing for the debates by his handlers, by getting his Circadian Rhythm of sleep switched over to an afternoon-evening schedule of waking period. Basement living should be advantageous to tricking his body as to when to get up, and when to sleep.
The low expectations of Dementia Joe will be exceeded, and the DemocRats With Press Passes will declare Joe victorious.That's not a myth sun-downing it's pure HE(( I lived through it with my mother. During the day you think the are getting better and the med's are working. But come 8 Pm and it's welcome to HE((
I still can't imagine the Democrats are stupid enough to allow this slab of meat with 1/10th of a normal functioning brain left to go on stage anywhere against anyone, let alone Donald Trump. He is pathetic, a seasoned liar and grifter who can no longer even say an entire sentence correctly, especially if there are numbers in that sentence. His wife is ghoul for permitting this farce to continue.
All his wife sees is future dollar signs and more power than she can handle. She's worse than a ghoul. She's power-hungry social climber. I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't somehow drugging him.
To all those D's out there supporting impeachment, yet again Trump was right. The Ukraine call was totally justified. Vindman and the whistleblower should probably be prosecuted for obstruction at least.
Sleepy Joe has become Sundowning Joe, exhibiting classic signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia: general confusion as natural light begins to fade, with an onset of agitation and mood swings . . . like attacking reporters or voters that ask questions about Hunter, his extortion of Ukraine, his physical and mental stamina (push-ups!). Mental and physical fatigue increase with the setting of the sun. In Joe’s case sundowning occurs by 9:00 a.m!
Trump should slap him with this over and over again, because he is incapable
of responding without lying or sputtering incoherently. “I had to answer questions about false accusations for two years Joe: Why won’t you answer questions about proven misstatements and problematic Russian payments to your son?”The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Like father, like son. Whatever example Joe set his son is following in his tracks. Joe hasn’t done anything while in politics and he isn’t doing anything now. Why would anyone vote for him if they have ANY common sense.
God bless Trump and may God bless America. Please continue to fast and pray about this election for Trump.
In my day Calling a Lid was slang for buying dope.
My how things change.And to think it is possible that Joe and Kamala may very well get elected and have a democrat house and senate all courtesy of massive democrat voter fraud and BLM/ANTIFA voter intimidation is sickening. This election is not in the bag for President Trump. Volunteer to watch the pols and get everyone you know to vote the straight republican ticket. Losing to the democrats is not an option.
Trump 2020!
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Vote RED, Remove Every Democrat. Yes, Vote the straight republican ticket down through dog catcher!
Can joe get any lamer?
Biden is worse than in a corner! He does not have the stamina or mental capacity under normal questioning - but with all that's breaking on Hunter and the Ukraine, Moscow and China -- Biden is incapable of meeting anyone, even friendly media.
I think this is very unfair to Joe. I understand that the campaign is shutting down early because Family Man Joe wants to spend time with the new grandchild. You know, the one Hunter had from his short term stripper relationship while... he was also sleeping with his late brother's widow. I hear that, despite the Burisma millions, the Chinese millions, and the newly public Russian millions, Hunter is still unemployed and is struggling to pay child support. Grandpa is just picking up the slack out of love for family. I am sure that's what is happening here, don't you think?
drug habits and blackmail are expensive....
"drug habits, (high end pole dancers), and blackmail" are expensive. FIFY
The saddest part is, in their desperation to defeat President Trump, biden is the best they could come up with. Therefore, they are reliant on voter fraud in the form of mail in ballots aside from their usual dead people voting democrat and peoples pets doing the same. What is most amazing to me is bidens tirade last week claiming he is not a socialist, he defeated the socialist. The amazing thing is it is the very first time any democrat or liberal has admitted bernie sanders is a socialist.
Technically, Bernie and the rest of them are not "socialists" per se as much as they are Communists in all but name. Many of them, like Joe, are compromised by the Communist Chinese and are desperate to turn this country into a People's Republic to hide their treachery and crimes.
Nothing will happen here. Media is corrupt and works for the dnc and the swamp is deep; so absolutely zilch will be done. Which makes my blood boil.
People are rioting in the streets, burning stuff down and treating police like criminals while they should be rioting the two tier justice system for people like the Clintons and Bidens.
Speaking of the rioting - I find it hilarious that these people like Lebum cry about the .000001% of blacks that are killed by police during a confrontation, when 100% of them all have something in common. They are criminals with records and were being apprehended for doing something they shouldn't have been doing. Period.
Not only is he not going to win in November, things are looking more and more like jail. Trump 2020
There is no way that Biden is doing debate prep when his handlers have no intention of allowing him to debate in the first place. Secondly, in order for prepping to do any good Biden would have to be able to recall the facts he covered during the prepping.
The debates are normally held in the evening hours...around 8 or 9 0:clock....
With his 'sun downing' issues, I can't wait to see how he remains focused...
The way out....?
Joe can get diagnosed with Covid and that, takes care of that.If he is elected, the dems and harris will call his day for him.
How joe might be as potus is not something they think about because they have no intention of him being potus more than a few days.They are libel to put him out of his misery.
Hunter might be the reason they hid him yesterday, but where is he today? This weekend? Everything is so secretive and mostly closed to the public. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?
They're hiding him from cameras and microphones on days when his senility is especially bad.
Biden is not going to show up for the debate.
"Nap Time" Joe will mysteriously test positive for ChinaVirus and put his debate appearance on hold and in less than three days again test negative!
BIDEN hides in his basement because he is mentally incapacitated. Not fit to lead. He doesn’t know what state he’s in, his wife or sister-in-laws name, he makes up stories about war heroes and can’t string a sentence together.
biden is never going to have a term. These morons kept saying hillary would win, kerry would win, gore would win, and dukacus would win. The only reason the disgraceful barry won is he was up against more inept pieces of crap that he was and voter fraud.
Hillary Clinton used references to the infamous 3AM phone call. Biden wouldn't be able to take a 3PM phone call. He'd be on his way to cash in on the Early Bird Special at his favorite eatery.
Leftoids have gibbered "literally Hitler" about every republican president since Eisenhower...
But Biden acts the part of Hitler late in WWII. Hitler was sleeping in during the Normandy invasion and would be woke before noon. When he did wake he held back his reserves because he believed the invasion to be a feint and needed to defend against the "real" invasion at the Pas de Calais. And he was on meds to counter early signs of dementia.
On top of debate prep and campaigning, doesn't Trump have to also, you know.... BE PRESIDENT?
If we had a news media instead of propaganda specialists, joe and the rest of his ilk would be in prison. But our news media is a complete joke. Same applies the department of 'so called' justice.
It does seem strange that virtually no MSM/Press entity is out of lockstep with the Party that is burning down this country, attempting a coup and dedicated to their conversion to Socialism. Very strange indeed...
When it comes to Hunter, Joe reminds me of the bank guard in the movies that sleeps through a hold up! Hat coc#ed to one side slouched in the chair, dribbling and snoring like a bear in hibernation. Then wakes up after the hold up and with a befuddled look say what happen!!!
What was that about Trump's children and 'patents from China'?????
What in the world did any Trump kid invent to warrant a patent????!
Is Lyin' Joe talking about Ivanka's clothes and some sort of trademark?
Beyond that Hunter HAS NO trademarks, NO patents - but he DOES have millions and millions of dollars from MOSCOW, CHINA and UKRAINE.
Trump's children were in business already before he became President, and their positions don't depend on his poiitical position. The Bidens have been taking advantage of the Yellow Jester's political influence for a long time.
Seems the Democrats were right after all, turns out there is a presidential candidate who is neck deep in shady dealings with foreign governments. Certainly congress will demand investigations.
I met Rick derringer in a bar many years ago. He was wearing a bib and drooling.
Look at Slow Joe creeping up the stairs.
Awful candidate for President.
I wish just one lib could give me just one of his accomplishments over the last 60 years.
Just one.
"The truth?" Alzheimer's. 😭
As it does, towards the end, the disease is obviously picking up speed. You'll be surprised how quickly this man no longer recognizes his wife and family. He is not medically qualified to be dog-catcher, let alone President of the United States. The man is dying ... slowly.
Anyone whose family has been touched by this horrible disease recognizes the signs instantly.
It's simply not a question now that "this man is going to die, soon." Maybe God will be merciful and send him another brain aneurysm ... one that will "do the job this time." So that he dies with some scrap of his mind still intact. Because, if Alzheimer's takes him, there is nothing left.
Stress makes the disease progress even faster and he exhibits signs of that. That’s on his family and the Dems Because they KNOW and knew before choosing him he was sick and chose him anyway as their Trojan horse. We can’t go soft on him. The elderly abuse is on them, not us.
In these times a real journalist could be making history. While the media spins for the dems the stories of the century are playing out before them. Someone could be documenting all this and writing articles and books that could set them up for life. IF, and only IF, these were normal times.
And IF these were real journalists instead of puppets with a liberal hand up their a$$ making their mouth move.
My mind is blown everytime I drive by a yard with a Biden sign. How can people be this brainwashed to vote for this guy? Yes Trump has his warts and an ego issue but he's not even close to Biden.
I want to knock on the door and ask, Are you a Commie/Marxist and hate our Constitutional Republic, or just MSM propaganda stupid?
Maybe Mueller and Weistein would like to reopen the Russia collusion investigation. This time the real collusion between Russia, Ukraine and the entire Biden family.
Big deal. They only have to keep him alive, get him to wave in the right direction when the cameras are on, utter a few coherent words, and the progressives will run the country (into the ground) as planned.
Biden won't even know his name by election day. All they gotta do is win, and they are going to make sure they do, no matter what it takes to do it. The left knows no bounds, they have no morals or ethics, only an insatiable thirst for power and control. If Harris-Biden wins, we're finished as a free people.If one of the Trump sons had this sort of issue the media and his own party would have demanded that Trump end his campaign. We have moved into an alternate universe.
Hold on, here, folks. Let's not be too hasty criticizing Joe! In his DNC acceptance speech, Biden promised to treat us all like his family. He's got ads running where he promises to treat all Americans the way he treats his family. If he's going to get other nations to give all of us millions of dollars the way he did his family, I say we inaugurate him by acclamation!
Lots of money and hookers for everyone?
Damn. I was going to vote for Trump, but that's damn tempting.
Does that mean hookers will get hookers too? WOW! That's great!
Yeah... we're in big trouble
Get in line son....I was here first :)
I think what is happening to Hunter with all the revelations is weighing heavily on Joe Biden. It has taken away whatever energy he had and he is very down. It will be very difficult for him now especially with the debate coming up on Tuesday. I honestly don't know how he will do with that weight on his shoulder.
No sympathy at all for him, he bought this down on his own head. He could have retired but, just like Ginsberg, he hung around well past his expiry date and now his party is stuck with cleaning up the mess.
CommonSense • 9 hours ago Joe, Joe, Joe, there is something you don’t seem to realize. Being President of the U.S.A., means you are working or on call 24/7/365. There is hardly any time for sleep, let alone vacation. When you are sleeping, or on vacation, you are not really doing either; you are on call for any crisis at any time. President Trump realizes this, which is why we need him in the White House and not you…TRUMP 2020!!
Time for Joe to step down as the Democrat presidential candidate.
He's suffering from dementia, he's compromised and he's always been stupid.C LI N T ON 2020 jamesben • 11 hours ago The "Draft Hillary" wing of the Demo Party is geared up and ready to go into action.
China Joe couldn't lead a pack of starving wolves to a fresh kill. Joe's days as a candidate are numbered.So joe biden who has been running for President since 1984 tell us that his son hunter's business dealings is not a topic of conversation. Is joe biden, the father, that obtuse to think that hunter's business dealings may be destructive or dangerous for his son, does he not care about the well being of his son ? Is joe biden, the candidate so cognitively damaged that he does not comprehend that his son's business dealings may put the US in danger and or may be outright illegal. There is more of a smoking gun here than all of the Trump Russian and Ukraine mess.
Joe is nearly brain dead. He should have retired quietly, at the nearest prison, where he and his ilk belong.
I have to agree Joe is shot. Funniest newspaper today the NY Post that did a where's Waldo on Hiden Biden today. too funny
"Barely-there Biden" doesn't have to do anything the Lying Leftist Lunatics of the Marxist Media are his campaign !
They do everything for, Old "Barely There" ; he doesn't have to do, "ANYTHING" ! He*L*L they even answer questions for him!It's been obvious for awhile that a central component of the Democrats' strategy is Projection. Accuse Republicans of what you are already doing or planning to do.
..while he is laughing hysterically. Notice on his interview when he doesn't know what to say or doesn't even understand the question, he starts laughing like crazy. Most dementia patients do that at first, when they're trying to cover up they have no clue what you just said. I know all about it, my husband did that at first too.
Harris has the same strategy. Long inappropriate laughter at hard questions.
ignored by the media.....
I thought that Cadaver Joe was just going home to be closer to his deathbed...
This is the second election in a row in which the Democrat candidate hides from the public while Trump is here, there, and everywhere.
No reporters ever ask him questions anyway. They sit in their six circles and listen to him say gibberish and then he walks off and they don't rudely shout questions at him like they do Trump.
So I don't think he is hiding out of fear of being asked about Hunter, there is not a reporter that he would come in contact with that would ask even if given a chance.
Yes Joe, we do know you, and that is the problem.!
By the way, wipe that stupid grin off your face!Why is Joe Biden refusing to say that he will accept the results of the election?
Because Killary Kankles told him NOT to EVER concede. That is because in any State that President Trump has won by narrow margin the lying cheating DNC will be "finding" ballots marked "Biden" until they get enough to win. That takes time, don't you know.
J R Ewing- Once you get rid of integrity, the rest is a piece of cake.
Poor dementia Joe. They’re going to play him out to the bitter end. Then Kamala will put the knife in. For the good of the Party, no doubt. 😒
Joe will make a smooth transition to the nursing home.
More true than people realize. The Dems NEVER planned for him to actually serve as president at all. That’s not why they chose him.
The MSM is busy killing the story of behalf of THE PARTY, e.g., Hunter Biden receiving a multi-million $$$ bribe from a known Putin butt-boy.
Don’t worry jomentia, when u debate Trump, there’s no way Trump will shove this up ur @$$...
This criminal shouldn't be running for president, he should be sitting in a federal prison cell for his international extortion and violation of public office.
Playing Bridge with fellow inmates Obama, Hillary, and Holder.
Hey Joe, it is ALL coming out now!
Moscow collusion! Massive amounts of money!
Money to human trafficers, hookers, Russian criminals.
Where’s HUNTER?????
These people are sufficiently equal parts desperate and stupid, so that everything they wish to hide can be reverse engineered via their own Projections. Whatever they have accused Trump or anyone else of over the last four years, will be directly mirrored. And they provide us with exactly where and for what to look, via clues that amount to confessions.
Presstitutes are to busy turning thugs into martyrs and covering Biden's lack of a heart beat and significant brain activity.
By prepping for the debate, the DNC/Commie propaganda mill actually meant Joe is doing a few lines of blow with Hunter while sniffing some freshly trafficked slave hair.Hunter Biden's law firm Owasco received nearly $6 million from Chinese oligarch Ye Jianming
$1 million of that was said to be for the representation of Patrick Ho at trial by Boies Schiller Flexner and Owasco
But those firms were not involved at all ... Bank fraud?
Look to your left, and then look to your right. I promise you that you're going to see people who are actually going to vote for Joe Biden. SMH...
Only if you're standing in a cemetery.
The democrat/socialist ticket this year is the 'Hostess' ticket- a Ding-Dong for president and a Ho-Ho for vice president. .
Based on recent stories I've been reading, I'm not as worried about dead people voting for Joe Biden as I am about the post office hiding ballots for Donald Trump.
Dems don't care about Joe. They are voting for baby slaughter and fake news "Climate change"!
Joe Biden did some Bill Clinton level lying in the Axios clip.
Not surprising as all democrats are liars and cheats.
What comments might you add below?
When you enter the voting booth you will not see a column to vote against someone. So if you don't like Trump as a person and "you vote against him" you are actually for Biden. Do you seriously want Biden to be President.
Yes. The choice is binary. Period. Biden or Trump, thats all you have. or Write-in Hillary?
If the MSM spewing "Orange Man" bad propaganda 24/7, wasn't corrupt, the choice would be clear:
Trump = USA...Constitutional Republic United States of America
Biden/Harris/Possible? = USSA...Totalitarian United Socialist States of AmericaIf you intend to vote for Joe Biden for President. What values in the Democrat party presidential candidate, do you support?
Labels: Clueless Voter, Elections, Joe Biden
posted by FastVoteFred @ 1:10 AM
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