Leftist/Democrat push their agenda to "Fundamentally Transform America":
Copied from Great Comments on a Townhall.com article.
I share these comments with you, because they are thought provoking to me. What do you think about them? Share them with your friends. Check your registration to vote in your State. Return your mail-in vote to a ballot box by October 20, 2020. Don't wait till the last minute to deposit your vote. Get to the poll both early in the day.
Dred • 13 hours ago It’s already been ugly, but it’s only going to get uglier. Be ready.
⦿ Get at least a gun
⦿ Get cash before election day
⦿ Fill the tank
⦿ Replenish your COVID 19 pantry
⦿ Buy an AM/FM radio.
It wont hurt to be prepared.
Nothing is more important to a Leftist/Democrat than their agenda to "Fundamentally Transform America":
They have trashed:
- Truth and justice
- Logic and reason
- Ethics and restraint
- Integrity and decency
- Morality and conscience
- Responsibility and accountability
- Any and all conservatives (that would be YOU) You, too, Amy Coney Barrett.
They have embraced:
- Illegal alien invasion
- Weaponizing government agencies
- Generate social chaos and violence
- Lawlessness, sanctuary cities/states
- Social/economic warfare, envy and hate
- Abolish law enforcement agencies (ICE, etc...)
- Cultural vandalism, destruction of monuments
- Endorsing hate groups (BLM, OWS, MS13, ANTIFA etc...)
These are NOT the actions of patriots. Who is the enemy?
Democrat standard bearers are now largely corrupt Marxists. Their supporters are miserable people who thrive on hate and division. Some are likely mentally ill as well. Can’t do anything about the mentally ill except make them irrelevant.
Corrupt Marxists with tiny weeners. Except for the Democrat chicks -- they're hung like elephants. No wonder liberals are so confused about gender!
The Democrat Party is essentially a organized crime unit and just remember, Lenin's revolution was initiated through street protests driven by young people, many from Russian aristocratic families that eventually turned violent and overthrew the existing authority. Remind you of something?
Young people of means who discover no one wants to hire a Gender Studies major with a minor in Black Gay Anti-Racist literature... thinking society OWES them.., of course they’ll riot, loot, murder... they’re bored and mommy & daddy will bail them out.
The Democrat machines in big cities creates millions of fraudulent votes every 4 years, and now that California is letting minors and illegal aliens vote, the GOP starts with a huge disadvantage right out of the gate.
If Trump wins, we need real voting reform. IDs are a must - if you need one to buy a gun, voting should require one as well. And they need to be tied into a national data base that prevents NY liberals from voting twice (in NY & Florida) and removes dead people from the rolls. I don’t mind expanding early voting or making registration simple, I just want voting limited to LIVING, legal US citizens over 18 who aren’t felons (I’m ok if they work/pay to restore their franchise). I just want it fair, and Dems won’t tolerate that. They have to lie, cheat, and steal. It’s their nature.
I am now 74. ( whine).
Never voted straight anything. I always thought it was a lazy way to vote.
BUT this year anyone proclaiming to be a democrat is deaf or dumb— mostly both.
I’m Voting straight R this year.
YES, VOTE RED, Remove Every Democrat on down the line to Dog Catcher. Hat tip to Diamond and Silk
Diamond and Silk, States Voter Registration
The intense level of hatred the Democrats have been displaying since 2016 is just unbelievable. They hate Trump, they hate whites, they hate anyone who has a different opinion, they hate the Constitution, they hate the USA, they hate,hate, hate, etc. Sane people do not act like this. What is just as unbelievable is that half the country is okay with their level of hatred and would put them in charge. God save us all.
The left are sociopaths, Derek. If you haven’t figured that out by now, then I don’t know what else to advise.
Relentless lying, causing endless harm chaos and death, showing no remorse for consequences caused, and mocking and disdaining healthy accepted boundaries set by society for generations.
That’s my definition for evil, and what the left exists for.
Good luck negotiating with that, folks.

Never negotiate with evil.
Sociopaths,yes. But they are worse than that. I see them totally as TRAITORS who should be hanged for trying to destroy our once great nation.
No one in America has the right to infringe upon his neighbor's liberty and justice in a court of law.
The left fears nothing more than having conservatism imposed on them. They see Trump as the instrument of that imposition.
The left fears having accountability boundaries and consequences, it’s got nothing to do with conservatism, these people are true sociopaths with no conscience, concern, or interest in the well-being of other humans, because the left are reptilian humanoid.
Lets get real here, would you expect anything else coming from Rendell and the likes of him.
There isn't one Democrat in the Democrat Political Crime Syndicate who could or would utter a common sense decent statement.
They are all rabid hate filled willfully ignorant individuals on a suicide mission.
Lets get real here, would you expect anything else coming from Rendell and the likes of him.
There isn't one Democrat in the Democrat Political Crime Syndicate who could or would utter a common sense decent statement.
They are all rabid hate filled willfully ignorant individuals on a suicide mission.
What do you think of the democrat party positions on health care? Comment Below
posted by FastVoteFred @ 6:40 PM
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