Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Corrupt journalism we've come to expect from the American media.

From Townhall dot com article


From the comments section, a real zinger


Treating leaks from anonymous sources as though they're corroborated facts because they hurt Trump while treating corroborated facts like Russian disinformation because they hurt Biden is the kind of corrupt journalism we've come to expect from the American media. 

Few in the media and no one in the Democratic Party hesitated to treat as true the anonymous claim that a President who loves the military called deceased veterans "losers and suckers" despite the fact that 25 witnesses stated he never used those words. 

However, after Tony Bobulinski publicly stated that he spoke with Joe Biden about the Biden Family's business deal with a China company, most of the media and everyone in the Democratic Party ignored him and continue to refer to the story as Russian disinformation. It is beyond debate that most of the American media is a collective of left-leaning political activists who forgot long ago that our Forefathers bestowed upon them special Constitutional privileges and protections for the benefit of the American people, not for the empowerment of the Democratic Party.


Were it not for double-standards, the regressive Left would have no standards whatsoever.




Unfortunately in this case, the deep-state within the FBI has again reached out to outright quash information that the electorate should have had MONTHS ago. It has a direct bearing on the mind set of citizens seeking honest government. Now it's entirely too late to impact the election. This in my opinion is an intentional act to influence the election, inappropriately. There is no other reasonable explanation for it. I think we all knew that the house cleaning at the FBI was totally incomplete with Comey, Strzok et al. Now they've put another thumb on the concept of justice. They dropped it now, in hopes that it will all disappear should Biden win the presidency.

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    Anyone expecting sleepy Barr to suddenly start working for the American people instead of his DNCCP masters will be disappointed yet again. He only has to run out the clock for another week, then if they steal the election he can escape on his golden parachute and avoid the destruction of America.

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    The part of all that I find most disturbing is that I'm not sure they did anything to go after anyones criminality via sex with a minor or if these young girls were checked to see if they are safe from further victimhood. So did the FBI turn a blind eye to that to keep a lid on a money laundering case? Barr needs to speak about this.



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