Friday, September 27, 2019

Intel Community Secretly Changed The Whistle-Blower Rules To Allow The Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

Intel Community Secretly Changed The Whistle-Blower Rules To Allow The Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

Matt BeeBe twitter account with timeline and many entries Whistle-Blower revised September 23, 2019

Purpose: Timeline Document on changes in the head of DNI (Department of National Intelligence) and relation to Whistle-Blower complaint.

What should you do?  Read, Print, Share, Edit in more details.

DNI Officer Change Timeline. Editable Document

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Monday, September 09, 2019

The Odessa Killer Failed a Background Check

Here’s Why The Odessa Killer Failed A Background But Still Got A Gun Anyway

From here:

Even if the seller was oblivious to the killer’s status as a prohibited person, there’s no guarantee that he wouldn’t have gotten his hands on a firearm anyway. Hell, the same seller may have still conducted the sale without a background check even if such a check had been required. As I previously said, enforcement is a problem.

At the end of the day, though, one thing hasn’t changed. This is the clear result of a deranged mind that seemed to believe killing the innocent was a thing that he should do. No amount of gun control is going to stop that. They could use a van or even a knife. They’ll still be deranged lunatics regardless of what weapons they use.

But removing guns from the law-abiding citizen is not now, nor has it ever been the answer to this or any other problem. If only anti-gunners would grasp that for a change.


What do you think?   Comment below.  Carry on, Good Sir or Maam. 

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