Friday, December 11, 2020

Dr. Pierre Kory, president of the FLCCC Alliance testifies before Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs looking into early outpatient COVID-19 treatment  

C-SPAN Video clip above on Dr Pierre Kory presentation about Ivermectin drug agains COVID-19. 

Hydroxychloroquine December 8, 2020 C-SPAN Video clip

Dr Jane Orient Assn. of American Physicians and Surgeons Exec. Directory

She is pushing for use of Hydroxychloroquine early in patients detected with COVID-19 corona virus. 

Dr. Kory testified that Ivermectin is effectively a “miracle drug” against COVID-19 and called upon the government’s medical authorities – the NIH, CDC, and FDA – to urgently review the latest data and then issue guidelines for physicians, nurse-practitioners, and physician assistants to prescribe Ivermectin for Covid-19.

“People are dying at unacceptable and untold rates,” Dr. Kory told the Senate panel. “I am a lung and ICU specialist, and all I do right now is take care of COVID-19 patients dying of breathlessness in ICUs. By the time they get to the ICU, it is nearly impossible to save most patients. They simply cannot breathe.”

Although encouraged by the apparent successes of vaccines, Dr. Kory said doctors trying to save lives flooding into ICUs now consider the lack of governmental guidance and research on effective early, at-home preventive treatment unconscionable when hospitals are overflowing with more than 100,000 patients admitted – and record numbers of deaths are reported daily. “Ivermectin and the components in the I-Mask+ Protocol could save hundreds of thousands of people around the globe who do not have to die while they await the widespread distribution of the vaccines,” Dr. Kory told the committee.

Kory said that the amount of evidence the FLCCC Alliance has amassed and compiled into a manuscript far exceeds the level required for a compassionate use authorization as defined by the 

FDA. “That happened for Remdesivir, a drug with far less supportive evidence and much, much higher cost,” continued Dr. Kory. “Why can’t it happen for Ivermectin given this level of evidence? How many more trials have to be done when our manuscript details results from over 20 studies— with over ten of them randomized controlled trials? We are in a pandemic, we are at war, stop pretending this is peacetime where we are conducting business as usual. The NIH must rapidly review the data and make a recommendation.”

The FLCCC Alliance has been blocked in attempts to disseminate scientific information about Ivermectin on Facebook and other social media with the FLCCC’s pages repeatedly being shut down. Furthermore, after the group’s December 4, 2020 press conference in Houston, no major

U.S. media outlets reported the FLCCC’s pleas for help from the federal government to act in order to bring this pandemic to an end. Nor did any representative from the CDC, the NIH or the World Health organization contact them.

“I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” said Kory. “Especially knowing that it will all be needless death from here on out, given there is a readily available solution. A solution that cannot be dismissed or ignored. There is a critical need to inform health care providers in this country and the world. The leadership of our governmental health care agencies has a great responsibility here. All we ask is for the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA to conduct a rapid review of the literature reviewed in this presentation and provide guidance to the country’s health care providers.

“If we do nothing, the present trend will continue. History will judge. The American people will cry for answers or will praise the courage of those elected to represent their interest.” 


Search for ivermectin drug in your own country.  Best of luck.  It is an existing drug.


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Monday, December 07, 2020

A compelling comment about Georgia Ballot counting, Video "Crime in-progress"

 A compelling comment about Georgia Ballot counting, Copied at 2:22 pm  PST December 7, 2020 from:

We know from the film that the table was brought into the room and that it must have already had the ballot boxes suspended beneath it, because we never saw anything being put under it. The boxes were hidden there.

Ballots are never "hidden" anywhere. Ever. They must always be in the plain sight of election observers, who must always be present. No vote-count data should have been presented from Georgia after 10:30 PM, and the next morning's opening count should have been identical. We know that the footage from about 10:30 forward should have showed no motion.

This is one thing and one thing only: photographic evidence of a crime in-progress, further supported by data which also demonstrates fraud (and proves, as if we didn't already know, that it was "for Biden").


Previous Comments:

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    Of course it's organized. Vote fraud is a basic element in Demagogue dirty politics. That's why they fight every measure designed to reduce it.

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    If the "Suitcases" were normal come they waited to bring them out and count them until the poll watchers were forced to leave...cause that just screams "normal".

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      Worse than that! After Ralph, poll supervisor lied about a water main leak to send observers out.
      Then Ralph gets or makes a cellphone call at 10:58pm and then Ruby, Shaye, Ralph and 3 others pull the suitcases from under the tables
      AND Pedo Joe VOTE TOTAL INCREASES 150,000 at the SAME TIME!


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