Monday, December 07, 2020

A compelling comment about Georgia Ballot counting, Video "Crime in-progress"

 A compelling comment about Georgia Ballot counting, Copied at 2:22 pm  PST December 7, 2020 from:

We know from the film that the table was brought into the room and that it must have already had the ballot boxes suspended beneath it, because we never saw anything being put under it. The boxes were hidden there.

Ballots are never "hidden" anywhere. Ever. They must always be in the plain sight of election observers, who must always be present. No vote-count data should have been presented from Georgia after 10:30 PM, and the next morning's opening count should have been identical. We know that the footage from about 10:30 forward should have showed no motion.

This is one thing and one thing only: photographic evidence of a crime in-progress, further supported by data which also demonstrates fraud (and proves, as if we didn't already know, that it was "for Biden").


Previous Comments:

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    Of course it's organized. Vote fraud is a basic element in Demagogue dirty politics. That's why they fight every measure designed to reduce it.

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    If the "Suitcases" were normal come they waited to bring them out and count them until the poll watchers were forced to leave...cause that just screams "normal".

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      Worse than that! After Ralph, poll supervisor lied about a water main leak to send observers out.
      Then Ralph gets or makes a cellphone call at 10:58pm and then Ruby, Shaye, Ralph and 3 others pull the suitcases from under the tables
      AND Pedo Joe VOTE TOTAL INCREASES 150,000 at the SAME TIME!


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