Tuesday, November 26, 2019

" the wise think about what they do."

My very wise friend wrote:

It's just that the left seems to believe in anything!
The left have rejected the judeo-christian ethic, they have no absolutes to stand on, God does not exist, their values, morals and ethics are relative, they believe the end justifies the means, facts and truth are irrelevant, each person has their 'own truth', they believe big government is the answer to all our problems and getting power at any and all costs is their highest objective.
The Bible has much to say about fools. The word fool today usually means “a senseless fellow, a dullard.”

The biblical definition has the added dimension of “someone who disregards God’s Word.”
Proverbs 14:15 - "Fools will believe anything, but the wise think about what they do."

Consider why you select to vote someone into Office next May and November 2020.

On what Facts, Truth, Logic, Reasoning are your selecting that person for Office?

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

I Believe. Nothing more than feelings. No Direct Fact Evidence


I wanted to contrast Truth, Facts, Logic, Reasoning against a maniacal belief ( almost religious faith ) that to protect america, "we have to Impeach Donald John Trump and removing him from Office. Can't even wait another 12 months till the next election November 2020 occurs."
With this theme, "you have your view/opinion. I have my view/opinion" what drives the TDS flue in these people. How can I accept or understand their feelings, when I base my choices on Truth, Facts, Logic, Reasoning. The derangement is strong in the 45% ??? of people that wish to see President Trump impeached.
1.) Lowest unemployment figures in 50 years for everybody (all races, genders) Not just rich white dudes.
2.) Reasonable fuel prices
3.) Plenty of food
4.) Freedom to make your own choices in life on most everything


Can you embed the above tweet for me, Debbie.

Remind me of the song, "Feelings nothing more than Feelings" The democrat party has no Truth, Facts, Logic, Reasoning. Just hearsay, belief, and feelings. No Direct Evidence at all. Not one.

Pay attention to what the Democrat Party is offering for your vote in November 2020.

It comes with a lock and chain to make you a slave to the governments choices. It is not your personal choices anymore because you selected the help from the government and gave them POWER to make your choice.
"Medicare For All" amounts to rationing of health care to everyone.   Need emergency surgery?  Wait till we have space available to take you in to this smaller sized hospital that we selected to use for reduced medical costs.  Need a doctor, we chose to have 3 doctors on staff instead of more doctors.  Governments choose to Ration goods to reduce costs.  Private Industry capitolism exists to provide more services in exchange for money. If a private business doesn't provide good service to you, they make NO MONEY. So Private Industy has plenty of incentive to provide good service to you.  

Now Government Service gets paid, even if it rations services to you and gives you NOTHING (please wait in line for a long time).   In other words, Government still gets paid, Even when the Government provides NO SERVICE to you. 

Got it??  

Don't believe the Lying LIE"Medicare for All" costs 32 to 50+ Trillion dollars.  How to pay for it?   Restrict medical services to you the customer to reduce medical care costs.

Vote Trump 2020, should be the correct reponse!

Representative Elsie Stefanik  Nov 21, 2019  Not a Single Shred of Direct Evidence was presented in the Impeachment Inquiry.




Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political Writing I enjoy Reading. 2 Facts and 3 False Hoods

URL Link to full article.   Read the comments too.

The President Trump knows Ukraine worked against him in that election, as noted in a 19 November article in the Washington Examiner. He knows about Alexandra Chalupa and the DNC’s dirt-digging operation in 2016. He is right to be wary of Ukraine regarding corruption in general. I would wager that President Zelensky knows that fact as well and wishes to curry favor with the President. And now he knows that President Trump delivers the bacon because Ukraine received lethal military aid for the first time – which the Obama regime refused to provide! Ukraine got the aid, and there was no quid pro quo.

Rep. Nunes and the House Republicans know all of these facts very well. They know that Ukraine now owes President Trump BIGLY. They also know that the Democrats are desperate to impeach the President because their corrupt schemes are being exposed. Speaking of which, isn’t it interesting that Ukraine just announced movement in the investigation into Burisma Holdings on Wednesday? Right now, there is mixed reporting whether there is an indictment or more investigation.

Now you can understand Rep. Nunes’s point that the Democrats are “running out of time.” They know they’re exposed in Ukraine on two fronts: Burisma and its tentacles to many Democrats, and 2016 election meddling. They are manufacturing a false impeachment narrative in hopes of persuading enough Americans that impeachment is warranted. They hope that enough Republican senators (there are more than a few #NeverTrumpers there) will vote to sustain that impeachment and remove the President so that everything can be swept under the rug. And they want to move fast by controlling the entire process on a partisan basis!

This is the Democrat equivalent of a “Hail Mary” pass at the end of the football game from a team down a touchdown. What they weren’t counting on was a Trump-Zelensky interception.

The end.

 2 Facts:
  1. Ukraine got the Lethal aid
  2. No Quid Pro Quo.  Trump says, "I want nothing. No Quid Pro Quo" told to Amabassador Gordon Sondland.   Just tell President Zelensky to just do the right thing. like what he campaigned on and won the presidency.
3 Lies:

  1.  What manufactured false impeachment narrative is on for today? "Tying Aid to Ukraine to investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden for corruption in Ukraine"
  2.  Donald J Trump asked for a favor from President Zelensky and held up US AID until the Bidens were investigated and a public announcement from the Ukrainian President was published.
  3. CNN headline is wrong!  "Trump got Quid Pro Quo from Ukraine"
.@RepMikeTurner: "Is it correct no one on this planet told you that @realdonaldtrump was tying this aid to the investigation? If your answer is yes, then the Chairman is wrong and the headline on @CNN is wrong."

Ambassador Sondland: "Yes." 

View the 57 second Representative Mike Turner CSPAN Impeachment Video on twitter link above!!  Hear the words Mike used to describe Gordon Sondland's testimony.   Gordon says, "Other than my own presumption"  Mike says, "Which is nothing!"

Ambassador, do you know what Hearsay is?  Hearsay is when I testify to what someone else told me. Do you know what made up testimony is? Made up tesetimony is when I just presume it.  You are just assuming all these things and giving it to them as evidence."

Don't be fooled by fake news headlines ⇒ A presumption is *NOT* evidence.


Comment I like From a FOX News 4 minute youtube video


is it not amazing that the stinking low life demoncrats had no problem with obama giving billions in cash to our enemy , iran, but they have a big deal with trump holding aid until he knows the corrupt government of the ukraine will investigate corruption. it dont make a damn if it includes the bidens. it should include the bidens since they are dragging millions out of burisma.these people,demoncrats, are stupid.

It describes corruption "Bidens since they are dragging millions out of Burisma", yet investigate Trump holding aid until he know the corrupt government of the Ukraine will investigate corruption.   Obama did not give Ukraine aid.

This behavior is FATALLY FLAWED,  ignore corruption, yet impeach the one who considers investigating corruption.  WOW!!

Open your eyes to who you vote for in May and November 2020.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Zelensky Trump Call, next day July 26th

From Dan Bongino  Bongino.com

Perhaps third time’s a charm. Zelensky’s position? The short, but crucial exchange between Castor is as follows:

Castor: “You were with President Zelensky the very next day?”
Amb. Taylor: “We were. We had a meeting with him the very next day.”
Castor: “And did President Zelensky raise any concerns about his views of the call?”
Amb. Taylor: (Stumbling) “Right, so uh, I, ambassador Volker, ambassador Sondland, uh in his office. And we asked him, I think, how the call was. He said ‘the call was fine. I was happy with the call.”

 Trump says the call was “perfect,” Zelensky said he was “happy” with the call. 

Only the “whistleblower” who has worked for Biden, the very man in question, had concerns. Yet, the blood-thirsty Democrats and anti-Trumpers who had failed to impeach Trump on three former occasions decided why not try a new, absolutely ridiculous route. As Representative Mike Turner said in today’s hearings, “We are not in a court…and if we were, the 6th Amendment would apply and so would rules on hearsay and opinion and most of your two testimonies would not be admissible whatsoever.

Truth and credibility are sorely lacking from Adam Shiff and Nancy Pelosi.

Remember this in November 2020 as you go to the poll and vote out False Lying Democrats!!  Remember voting has consequences.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Dogs catch better than CATS, LMAO!!


Are you laughing yet?  So funny I can hardly type this in blogger!