Monday, April 13, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc sulfate for Covid-19

HC +AZ + Zinc sulfate drug regimen to cure Covid-19.  3 minute video Interview of Dr. Zelenko.  Dr Cardillo Interview 1'36 secs has to be used with Zinc.  Treatment reserved for ill patients. 11 minute Epoch Times explanation  
Rudy Guillano and Dr. Vladimire Zelenko talking about Covid-19 Virus treatment 41 minute long in depth interview with lots of good questions answered well. Repurposing $20 dollars worth of older drugs that we know the safety profiles of, used in a unique combination in the Out Patient environment.  This combination can scale nationally and Make America Healthy Again and get the economy back quickly.

If you are young and healthy,  Under 60 years old, your immune system will take care of eliminating the virus from your body.  You wont feel good, have headaches, be tired.
If you have breathing problems, then you need this drug regimen.

Goal #1 Don't Die
Goal #2 Don't go into the hospital and become intubated.

Read these links and share some report data about HC + AZ + Zinc Sulfate, with your local Doctors and health care providers.  Your health is important for you to take care of.

This is what Dr. Zelenko was prescribing. I would not supplement with nearly that much zinc unless you are actually infected.  
1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days  
2. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days 
3. Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

The Hydroxy treatment appears to be working so far! In an exclusive interview, Dr. Vladmir Zelenko shares with us a preliminary study outlining that out of his 699 patients treated, he has had ZERO deaths, ZERO intubations, and four hospitalizations. In today's episode of Common Sense, Dr. Zelenko breaks it down and gives a lucid explanation of the rationale behind his treatment. If you have been following the COVID-19 outbreak, this is a do not miss!  

Zink is a diatonic molecule that cannot cross the cell membrane. Hydroxycloriquin breaks the Zink into a single molecule and facilitates the passage of Zink through the cell membrane where the Zink disrupts the proteins required to produce RNA; thus, disrupting the virus ability to replicate... 

Open-Data Repository on hydroxychloroquine

Collection of Letters, Articles, Notes on Covid-19

March 23, 2020  Dr. Valdimir Zelenko Letter to all medical professional around the world 17 minute video, Dr Vladimir Zelenko 

1x 200 mg Hydroxychloroquin twice a day for 5 days.
1x 500 mg Azithromycin  once a day for 5 days.

1x 220 mg Zinc sulfate   once a day for 5 days. French Study  Look at the graphs, compare the tests at 6 day point, Hydroxychloroquine only, versus Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin.  Notice the 0% of detection of the Covid-19 virus in patients at day 6.  This is the point to understand.   
Dr. Zelenko regimen, he adds Zinc Sulfate, because most older people have a ZINC deficiency.  It is the Zinc molecule that is absorbed into the cell, that blocks the virus RNA replication.  Hydroxychloroquine is the "catalyst" that allows the ZINC  molecule to cross the cell membrane.

AAPS  letter to the President


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Filing New Claim for Oregon Unemployment Insurance, COVID-19

Filing New Claim for Oregon Unemployment Insurance, COVID-19

Here is a Google Document of the transcribed text from this Video that you can print out and help you fill out and File a New Claim for Oregon Unemployment Insurance
Please print out on paper or download as a PDF file for your computer to have open when filling out the Oregon UI "File a New Claim" Fred
File a New Claim

YES, YES, YES, NO, 18 months employment history, Record your Confirmation Number, Fill out your weekly benefit Claims, Check your Status. Best of luck in getting your claim filled. Look for work. Enjoy time with your Family, Wash your hands and stay safe. God Bless you and your family in this global pandemic. Fred
ps: Upgrade your slow home computer

Anna Johnson, Gail Krumenauer Thank you for your efforts.

Work 7 Days away, two 8 hour shifts a day, to accomplish your Enormous TASK.

I once worked 10 hours a day 7 days a week for twenty one days, in a food production facility (70+ hours a week). Don't you think you could get two teams of staff workers starting at 7am and work till 11:30 pm answering phones?
If not why not? We are hurting out here in Oregon. Can you not institute over time hours and a swing shift? Is that TOO HARD for a government worker, but not hard for a private worker to fulfill the needs of the job at hand? How many government workers have a desk, computer, and telephone where they could work from their own office? Why is it Telemarketers, have phone systems that put you in a hold queue, and can even ring you back when an operator is free, But Oregon UI, puts you on hold and then gives a single beep and hangs up? Are you in control of your telephone system or NOT?

Comments are welcome below:

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