Brooks Homeless Camp, exit 263 east side of I-5 freeway.
45.0498396,-122.9693183,19.22z location
Read through to the end, the last comment paragraph with background color. I like to help people, but sometimes NO is the better answer. They have to make a choice to change their goals, rather than continue living in the gutter. Found this nugget of truth in the comments made for this post:
Bring back the public gallows. Once Tyrone sees his bros swinging in the breeze his iq might bump up a notch or two.
It has become fashionable to blow away your friends, so the thugs will probably use them for target practice.
Proglobots are always playing identity politics, but they’re not playing with a full deck.
Rising crime doesn’t play in Peoria. In spite of 12 Democrat-run chit-hole cities setting new murder records,
Lefties deny there’s any spike in crime.
Who are you going to believe, lying leftist D卐M☭CRATS or your own lyin’ eyes?
the democrat party in 2 words:
depraved minds
More proof Demoncrats are the party of death and destruction
is another common demographic, but pointing that out will certainly get
you called Ray Sist. You see, numbers are neutral, but using them to
demonstrate a point is evil.
I do not see the Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans or native Americans killing each other in record numbers. Hmm
Meth and fentanyl is racist?
Who knew?
only kills POC
And any other idiot stupid enough to use that schiff
meth and opioids are killing mostly white trash.
The deaths happen in the heartland and rural areas of the country. The highest death rates are in Iowa and Florida.
The death rates, per hundred thousand, is higher for whites than any other race, and by a substantial margin.
over 70,000 deaths a year. More than guns and cars combined.
They are why our towns and cities are being overrun with zombies who live in piles of trash by the side of the road.
so you just defined the "other idiot" that I mentioned
are being overrun with government subsidized drunks and addicts. We are
providing these unfortunate morons with the resources they need to
barely maintain themselves, so they ignorantly choose to remain
intoxicated in the gutters. Good choice. Can't force them into
treatment. Can't force them to provide for themselves. So we help them
continue life as the living dead. Good choice also. Ah,
liberalism...good ideas that are never thought out and always turn out
I share this paragraph above. I wonder what is happening with the RV , Trailer, tent homeless camps I see along side the road. How long can a person live with out an income?
Labels: Brooks Homeless Campsite, Homeless, RV campsite
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