Father of daughter killed at Parkland explains why Democrat policies killed his daughter.
William Eifert answering
Trish Stiles about why not just get rid of assault rifles.
The problem is they lump most guns together when they push for legislation. Anything that can take a bipod, folding stick, fore grip, high capacity magazines, adjustable stock, etc would be banned. That includes almost ALL firearms, including my 70 year old fathers .22 and hunting rifle. Folding stocks and other accessories DO NOT affect fire rate of a firearm. If "so called" assault rifles are banned people will start using shotguns or high caliber hunting rifles. Shootings would become much more deadly, and messier. The problem isn't the guns, it's mental health and drugs. Guns don't fire by themselves. What good are more laws gonna do when the current laws aren't enforced? The federal government and military are YEARS behind on updating their federal no buy list, and not in a big hurry to update it. They also need to upgrade the reporting system for mentally ill people. A felon in possession of a firearm is supposed to be a mandatory minimum of 5 years for the first offense, but every few months I see the same felons being arrested for it and other charges. Why is it that the politicians calling for gun bans are surrounded by security with (usually) fully automatic submachine pistols? We are easier to control without firearms, and helpless to stand up against the rampant government corruption that plagues our great nation. Gun Free Zones are also a bad thing. It allows shooters a chance to kill multiple victims unhindered until law enforcement arrives. I know this first hand, as I was a UCC student when the shooting killed a teacher and 8 students. How are very strict gun laws working out in California and Chicago? Violent crime continues to rise, and disarming, or limiting what law abiding citizens can own will leave them at a severe disadvantage or defenseless against the criminal element. Toucan defend yourself against multiple assailants with a single shot rifle. If your family was in danger would you want to be able to protect them (until help arrives) or would you rather wait until law enforcement arrives? Which in rural counties could be up to an hour, depending on where you live. People can be shown an AR15 and a mini 14 and they (90% of the time) will say the mini 14 is ok. They are basically the same firearm, with the exception that the mini 14 has a wooden stock. Finally, look at history and see what happens when leaders disarm their citizens. Hitler, Stalin, Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. Over 50 million innocent people murdered by their own governments after being disarmed, and that's just in the last 100 years. If guns were the problem, then why aren't there 100's of mass shootings every year during hunti g season? Disarm American citizens and within a year the cartels and gangs (ms 13, crips, Mexican mafia, etc) will take over our streets. If it wasn't for armed citizens we would be dead, or speaking Japanese and bowing to the emperor. During world war 2 we were not invaded by Japan because "There would be a rifle behind every blade of Grass!