More, Comments from Democrats are truly Sick People!
Dusty Rhodes Decker • a day ago It is no exaggeration to say that it is of utmost importance to re-elect Trump. Power in the hands of a party that has lost its mind will destroy all of us.
He's BACK Dusty Rhodes Decker • 17 hours ago Not just Trump, but Republicans up and down the ballot
Miss Kitty Dred • 14 hours ago It's always good to be prepared.
I would add "vote early" to the list if possible...there are already noises about another "Covid-19" spike that may prompt another shutdown...what better way to rig the election than to be "forced to close the polls for the common good"?Joycey Miss Kitty • 13 hours ago • edited Vote at the polls. They want you to vote early so your vote does not count. They cannot close down the polls.
Visualverbs Joycey • 13 hours ago The marxocrats would be okay with that as long as they can still burn down your CVS store and Sporting Goods Outlet.
Jeffmo Miss Kitty • 11 hours ago Voting him in only gives Trump a mandate, if he wins. If anyone thinks the liberal mob is just going to go away is deceiving themselves. I hate to say it but wide scope bloodshed is inevitable. PU.
josephsf Dred • 5 hours ago Guerrilla tactics? I don’t think it means what you think that means. He is really good at exaggerating his wealth and cheating on his taxes, though. Idiots like you don’t/can’t understand. You are a low education voter. Congrats.
Dred josephsf • 5 hours ago Using insults only reveals to things:
1) you have lost the argument and
2) you are panicking.Relax, in next 4 years Trump will remove as many rights from you as he did in the first four .
Also, he will continue making America Great Again. After all, he already revived the US economy and dropped unemployment to historic levels.
En cuanto a nosotros, has done more for us minorities in 45 months than Biden has in 47 years.
I'm worried: With all your education, you sound scared. Don't be.
Tony M • 14 hours ago I went to early voting and was so proud to vote repub up and down the balot, even to the Mayor level! This was my first time voting repub in a general election.
tibby • 16 hours ago “Biden and Nancy Pelosi insist they are Catholics too, yet they are spared such remarks.”
Cafeteria Catholics.... cafeteria constitutionalists
Democrats pick and choose the laws they like and which they will enforce. That is why the left focuses on getting the right kind of prosecutors and attorneys general rather than the right kind of legislators.
Look at who they let out of jail and who they put in. Look at who is allowed to protest under covid stuff and who can truly peaceably assemble. Take guns away from the law abiding but ignore the perp who uses firearms. Prosecute those who defend themselves but bail violent offenders out do they can repeat.
Democrats choose a cognitive impaired candidate for a nominee, disgruntled activists for Congress, and jurists that invent constitutional law. Democrats love America so much they want to “fundamentally change” it.
Joycey tibby • 15 hours ago • edited A person is not a Catholic if they do not believe in the tenets of the FAITH. Pelousi and Biden do not. A person is not an American that wants to "fundamentally CHANGE her into a MARXIST Totalitarian Government. Biden will be very easy to control as he always has been. Most likely by Michelle OBAMA.
Democrats look at America as a piece of real estate to be manipulated for cash and power instead of a BEAUTIFUL IDEAL to strive for. They do not know her nor care to know her beauty.
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Jill Hetherington tibby • 14 hours ago Democrats hate God and religion. government is their religion.
MAGADeplorable, too • 16 hours ago I previously believed race pimps were the lowest form of humanity in America. Sure they were content to play the race/victim card to accumulate wealth and power. But they understood America had to exist for them to exploit
But these self hating woke whites have boiled themselves in their hateful message that America must be destroyed and then rebuilt into their lunacy that they will create a socialist nirvana where everyone holds hands and sings kumbaya
Joycey MAGADeplorable, too • 13 hours ago • edited As if radicalized Marxist, ignorant children have all the answers. They are far more brilliant than the founders of our nation??? If a child does not have the ability to check his own vanity that child will have an unsuccessful life. Wisdom is ageless but these hatefilled children of the corn hate wisdom. They worship the god of Demonic Marxism, in other words they worship themselves. Every Marxist is a Supremacist Jack_ass.
dilligaf MAGADeplorable, too • 14 hours ago CHOP/CHAZ was just a small example of what life would be with a "democrat administration"
TheDubb • 6 hours ago Check the record. The Biden family have done very well for themselves. Very, very well.
MauiMark808 TheDubb • 5 hours ago Who says “crime doesn’t pay”?
Mytake13 • 7 hours ago The title of this article says it all. Excellent article. Agree.
Doodleysquat • 11 hours ago Uncle Farley says he never met a crooked Democrat that he wouldn't have shot.
Jeff Doodleysquat • 11 hours ago So, pretty much any Democrat then?
Obie Wan • 12 hours ago • edited Yeah when they promise if they win they'll raise your taxes, end fracking and go after your right to legally own firearms, BELIEVE THEM, because they will !!!
Good Dog, Happy Man • 13 hours ago It's why you never want to do the limbo with a Lefty, ... they can go lower than the belly of a snake in a wagon wheel rut.
DeplorableCats4all✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ • 13 hours ago Truer words were never spoken, Mr Hunter.
"The “high road” in politics only gives you a nice view of your defeat."
Sums it up in a nutshell.
rosewthorns DeplorableCats4all✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ • 12 hours ago Christians seem to think the way to be a loving Christian is to be "nice". We've come to think its easy to stand firm in the faith. What ever happened to tough love? We don't put on the full armor of God to sit down and be silent. We are now the real rebels in a dark culture. Rebels have to be brave and know their enemy. This Trump derangement syndrome, the continuous all pervasive hatred and depravity that is all around us tells me we fight not against flesh and blood but against evil itself. I believe our enemy today can only be fought with the power of Gods armor and it is a battle! Evil, Satan, is feeling strong right now, but I've read the back of the Book and we win.
DeplorableCats4all✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ rosewthorns • 11 hours ago • edited Great post, Rose, and right on the money.
St Paul fought for his right as a Roman citizen to not be whipped; such punishment was reserved for slaves. But somehow that courageous spirit has morphed into ‘thou shalt not call evil men what they are’ because manners or high road. Or something.
Might just mention that ‘twas he who said our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but rather the ‘powers and principalities of the air’, with ‘...the spirit of Antichrist being already at work’. Obviously he didn’t mean we’d never have to engage in physical combat...but if that’s what it comes to, then we fight cheerfully and courageously.
rosewthorns DeplorableCats4all✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ • 8 hours ago Those are exactly the versus in Ephesians that I was thinking of! Love to you my fellow traveler in following Christ.
DeplorableCats4all✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ rosewthorns • 7 hours ago And the same to you, friend!
kingofbytes DeplorableCats4all✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ • 13 hours ago Was just about to post how wise that quote was.
Wilda George • 6 hours ago In addition to be classless, they are also clueless. They can't seem to understand that their obsessive hatred for Trump will get them defeated in November. They come up with such outlandish ways to try to defeat him, but everything has failed. The event that may put the final nail in their coffin will be the way they treat the new Supreme Court justice during the hearings. She was thoroughly vetted three years ago by most of the Senators still present, but that won't stop them. If they again question her on religion (which is not allowed, according to the Constitution), their already nearly zero for performance may finish them off.
MT mom • 7 hours ago Hooray for a wise choice in Judge Barrett. The Lefties still don't understand that they have drunk the Marxist Koolaide. Will the elitist lefties give up any part of their privileged lives for their "bleeding hearts"? income redistribution, no First Class seating, not going to the front of the line....heck NO. But instead they sit in their living rooms lecturing everyone else on how we should live.
John Galt MT mom • 7 hours ago why do good people continue to work to feed and clothe the indolent, heat and light their homes, and fuel their cars...
time to starve them out....
USMC2111 • 14 hours ago "Democrats Are Truly Sick People"
The Headline of this article says it all. Democrats and their supporters are sick in many ways. Sick with a desire for authoritarian power over others. Democrat politicians have chosen Socialism as the vehicle to attain that power, because Socialism can only exist under an authoritarian rule over the people. The supporters of Democrats a correspondingly sick with a willingness surrender personal Freedom because that requires work and personal responsibility.This makes them sick with a hatred and intolerance for anyone, or thing that they disagree with. Sick with emotional and mental illnesses that manifest in their habitual lies, hypocrisy, projection and cognitive dissonance. Sick with a moral decline that leads to an ends justifying the means for their desires. This sickness has been reinforced by a compliant and equally sick news media and pop culture.
All of this cumulative sickness has Turned the Democrat Party and its supporters into an elitist ruling class at the top enjoying wealth and prosperity born from a Privilege of a two tier legal system that they have actually created , and a serf class at the bottom that has had their bad and destructive behavior and irresponsibility reinforced by the elites and are willingly content with their own personal mediocrity and dependency.
Sick is the right word. Their collective pathology has sickened the nation like a deadly parasite that also causes an equally deadly cancer. Th election of Donald Trump as President was an attempt by the balance of the country that is not emotionally and morally sick, who are trying to preserve the Freedoms inherent in our Constitutionally limited Republic.
Jeffmo USMC2111 • 11 hours ago • edited Read the book 'The Liberal Mind, The Psychological Causes of Political Madness' by Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter Jr. and 'The Neo Tech Discovery' by Dr Frank Wallace. Both give great insight into past and current events. Both are available at Amazon I believe.
In the course of this analysis, The Liberal Mind asks and answers the following critical question: Why would anyone want a political system that restricts personal freedom instead of enhancing it; denounces personal responsibility instead of promoting it; surrenders personal sovereignty instead of honoring it; attacks the philosophical foundations of liberty instead of defending them; encourages government dependency instead of self-reliance; and undermines the character of the people by making them wards of the state?"My Lord are you brilliant as you succinctly summarize the victimhood mentality of the Left! Unfortunately, no one on the Left knows any numbers, any facts, or anything about Economics, Business, History, or human nature to fully understand what you're addressing."
--- John N., Milwaukee, WI
"This is a brilliant piece! You've gathered all of my disjointed observations over the years into a coherent explanation. It rings true at so many levels! Thank you and please keep writing!"
--- Jerry M., Flemington, NJJoycey • 14 hours ago • edited Who is responsible for SYSTEMIC RACISM? Democrat voters. Systemic Racism--is --Crime in poor neighborhoods---Lousy schools that teach victimhood instead of competence. These are the FRUITS of the POWERFUL DEMOCRAT PARTY'S policies. These are THE SYSTEMS of RACISM.
STOP voting for the Democrat Party if you want SYSTEMIC RACISM TO END.
posted by FastVoteFred @ 8:58 PM